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December 16, 2024

Program overview

  • Supporting foster care youth through job training and employer connections: iFoster Jobs is a workforce readiness program for young people with histories of foster care, connecting them to employers and preparing them for success in the workplace. The program centers around skills and job search training, interview support, readiness assessments, and employment matching, during which iFoster staff identify an ideal employer and connect the participant to the opportunity. iFoster Jobs aims to set foster care youth up for career success as they transition out of the system, helping them secure and maintain long-term employment.

  • Recruitment through case managers and other support services for foster care youth: iFoster Jobs serves those with histories of foster care between the ages of 16 and 24. Participants are typically referred to the program through their case managers, independent living placement staff, or county social workers, but they may also self-refer. The referral source typically serves as the client’s “supportive adult,” who agrees to support the participant in the program and in their employment search.

  • Extensive career readiness training and support: The iFoster Jobs program typically begins with four full days of training, in which participants learn customer service and communication skills, write resumes, review workers’ rights, and practice interviewing. These daylong sessions can either be administered as once-a-week sessions or a four-day bootcamp, according to the needs of the particular cohort. On top of helping clients practice their interview skills, iFoster Jobs staff host an event called “Boutique Day” for every cohort, in which clients may find interview clothes and receive haircuts to prepare for their interviews.

  • Assessing participants’ job readiness to accurately place them in an opportunity: During Assessment Day, iFoster Jobs staff administer basic math and language skills assessments and an assessment interview, to determine whether each participant is prepared to enter the workforce. They also meet individually with each participant to provide information about employer partners and the matching process, as well as learn more about participants’ interests in order to develop an employment plan and place them in their best fit.

  • Individualized employment matching: After Assessment Day, iFoster Jobs work with participants who are deemed “ready for competitive work” to identify potential employers, help fill out applications, and prepare for interviews. Those who are deemed “not ready for competitive work” are placed in paid internships with iFoster Jobs’ partners, to further build job skills and boost their resumes. Once the internship has concluded, participants are encouraged to complete Assessment Day again and work with iFoster Jobs to try to gain long-term employment.

A single study with a less rigorous design suggests that iFoster Jobs is a promising strategy for assisting foster care youth in obtaining employment.

  • A 2021 program evaluation found that most participants who completed the iFoster Jobs program were able to successfully obtain employment. Of the 523 total participants (between September 2015 and August 2019), 241 participants, or 46%, had secured a job at the end of the program. Of those that completed Assessment Day, nearly 78% of participants received employment or an internship. However, 219 (or about 42 percent) of the total participants dropped out of the program before Assessment Day.
  • Consider offering technology support: Some iFoster Jobs participants did not own a cell phone or personal computer during the program, which made it difficult to create and submit their resumes and other application materials. To address this need, iFoster provided free cell phones and laptops and other technology support. Organizations seeking to replicate this model should anticipate this need and prepare to furnish participants with access to technology needed for their job search.

  • Ensure each participant has a reliable adult to assist them in their success: Foster care youth often have weaker social support systems, adding challenges to the job search process. To help address this problem, iFoster Jobs requires each participant to declare a “supportive adult” who backs them throughout the program and their employment efforts. The participant's referral source is often asked to be their “supportive adult.” This ensures each participant has a supportive network both inside and outside of the program, which is critical for the success of youth without a steady support system.

  • Develop an extensive partnership network: iFoster Jobs benefited greatly from its extensive employer and community partnership network. iFoster Jobs separates its partners into two classifications: community partners and peripheral partners. Community partners are local human services organizations and/or child welfare agencies that assist in implementing the training curriculum, provide referrals, and offer other support services. Peripheral partners include local employers that agree to prioritize participants in the hiring process, as well as community partners that offer services to participants (e.g. legal services and haircuts). These partnerships allowed the program to connect participants to a wide variety of employment opportunities, as well as offer many services to support them in their employment search. Replications of this program should prioritize local partnerships for an effective implementation.

  • Regularly checking in with participants: iFoster Jobs staff check in with participants and their employers after 10 days of employment, then at 30 day intervals for the next three months. This allows staff to continually assess any needs and connect the youth to proper supports, as well as track participant outcomes, which is essential for proper implementation of the program.

  • Provide transportation for those in need: iFoster Jobs offers transportation for participants to and from training, Boutique Day, and Assessment Day. This expands access to the program for those that may not be able to attend program events without reliable transportation. Replications of the program should consider providing transportation or transportation stipends to ensure all participants may reliably attend sessions.