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Do you work for (or with) a local government?

This includes direct employees of local governments, school districts, place-based nonprofits, and foundations.

Justice and public safety


Justice strategies can reduce the negative effects of incarceration, help individuals returning from incarceration successfully re-enter society, and facilitate community healing after crimes have been committed. Public safety strategies can reduce crime and improve neighborhood well-being. These strategies can improve family stability and neighborhood quality, which create better mobility outcomes at all life stages.

Evidence-based strategies

Reducing crime by cultivating relationships between community members and those at high risk for being involved with violence
Supportive neighborhoods High-quality employment
Reducing recidivism and generating major cost savings while providing accountability, engagement, and support services
Supportive neighborhoods
Using research and data analysis to set goals and identify specific strategies and tactics to achieve them
Supportive neighborhoods
Reducing or eliminating financial penalties, waiving debt, and expunging records for minor offenses
Stable and healthy families
Preventing gun violence through limiting gun access and circulation, and raising public awareness 
Stable and healthy families Supportive neighborhoods
Increasing housing stability for tenants at risk of displacement and homelessness
Stable and healthy families Supportive neighborhoods
Using trained behavioral health professionals to provide emergency support services focused on health and de-escalation
Supportive neighborhoods
Connecting individuals experiencing chronic homelessness with stable, unconditional housing and support services
Supportive neighborhoods
Leveraging health services, legal interventions, and community-wide initiatives to treat and prevent drug use and addiction
Supportive neighborhoods
Reducing the number of serious injuries and fatalities from traffic crashes
Supportive neighborhoods
Facilitating residents' transitions to full-time employment through subsidized jobs and wraparound support services
High-quality employment Supportive neighborhoods