Supports for expecting parents and families with young children
- Issue Areas
- Health and well-being Early childhood
Strategy overview
- Increasing access to high-quality health care and education: There are a range of evidence-based supports for expecting parents and families with young children, from high-intensity interventions like home visiting programs to light-touch initiatives such as breastfeeding promotion campaigns. Generally, these supports aim to increase access to health care before and after birth, to provide information on supporting healthy early child development, and to equip parents/caregivers with the tools to support their young children in their education.
- Varied staffing and delivery sites: Many evidence-based supports are delivered by registered nurses, trained parent educators, or licensed social workers. Given the diversity of these supports, however, staffing structures can vary significantly. Delivery sites also vary, but most frequently include clients' homes, health clinics, and elementary, middle or high schools. Visits can also happen virtually, depending on clients’ needs.
- Individual care, supplemented with cohort-style activities: Many programs combine one-on-one care with larger group sessions like classes, community-building activities, and milestone celebrations. Individual sessions tend to build trust and relationships between participants and service providers, while cohort activities build social capital and support, along with reinforcing key lessons from private sessions.
- Incorporating supplemental supports: Depending on the target population, supports may include supplemental services such as workforce readiness training, financial skills workshops, and more. Such services seek to help expecting and new parents/caregivers create stable, sustainable home environments.
Multiple syntheses of rigorous evaluations find strong evidence of a range of positive health and well-being outcomes for mothers and children.
A 2018 research synthesis found strong evidence that early childhood home visiting can improve children’s socioemotional development, reduce rates of postpartum depression, and increase access to pre- and post-natal care for mother and child. These effects are long-term, lasting at least until the child is 7 years old. A 2019 study on home visiting found similar positive effects to early studies but slightly smaller effect sizes.
A 2017 research synthesis found strong evidence that comprehensive clinic-based programs for pregnant and parenting teens can be associated with reduced rapid repeat pregnancies, increased clinic attendance, and increased completion of immunization courses for infants.
A 2018 research synthesis found strong evidence that breastfeeding promotion programs can increase rates of breastfeeding, with effects more pronounced when programming includes an educational component.
Before making investments in this strategy, city and county leaders should ensure it addresses local needs.
The Urban Institute and Mathematica have developed indicator frameworks to help local leaders assess conditions related to upward mobility, identify barriers, and guide investments to address these challenges. These indicator frameworks can serve as a starting point for self-assessment, not as a comprehensive evaluation, and should be complemented by other forms of local knowledge.
The Urban Institute's Upward Mobility Framework identifies a set of key local conditions that shape communities’ ability to advance upward mobility and racial equity. Local leaders can use the Upward Mobility Framework to better understand the factors that improve upward mobility and prioritize areas of focus. Data reports for cities and counties can be created here.
Several indicators in the Upward Mobility Framework may be improved with investments in high-quality programs. To measure these indicators and determine if investments in this strategy could help, examine the following:
- Access to healthcare: Ratio of residents to primary care physicians. These data are available from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Area Health Resource File.
- Neonatal health: Share of low-weight births. These data are available from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.
Mathematica's Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework helps local leaders identify the data that matter most in helping students and young adults succeed. Local leaders can use the E-W framework to better understand education and workforce conditions in their communities and to identify strategies that can improve outcomes in these areas.
Several indicators in the E-W Framework may be improved with investments in high-quality programs. To measure these indicators and determine if investments in this strategy could help, examine the following:
- Access to child care subsidies: Percentage of eligible families receiving assistance to pay for child care through subsidies.
- Access to health, mental health, and social supports: Percentage of programs offering health, mental health, and social services, or staff or consultants providing infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) services.
- Mental and emotional well-being: Percentage of youth with mental or emotional health needs as identified by a universal screening tool.
- Physical development and well-being: Percentage of students meeting benchmarks on self-rated surveys of physical health, such as the California Healthy Kids Survey Physical Health & Nutrition module.
- School-family engagement: Percentage of families and percentage of teachers or caregivers reporting positive relationship quality with one another, using a tool such as the Family and Provider/Teacher Relationship Quality (FPTRQ) parent survey.
A two-generation approach: Experts speak to the importance of taking a two-generation approach to working with parents and caregivers. This entails intentionally working with two generations to provide economic and social support for families while also helping them to support their child’s development. A two-generation approach should be empowering for parents/caregivers, with a focus on improving parenting knowledge and skills, recognizing that parents/caregivers are their child’s most important teacher.
Strong referral systems: The hardest part of delivering effective parental/caregiver support programs is often identifying and signing up families who need the services the most. This can be tackled by meeting parents/caregivers where they are, such as during pediatric visits, in hospitals during birth, or through other benefits programs, such as SNAP and WIC. For instance, Reach Out and Read integrates books and reading into pediatric care by forming partnerships with hospitals and community health centers. Local leaders can ensure that parental/caregiver support is explicitly integrated into the broader system of support by training staff to carry out onward referrals.
Sustained and predictable funding: Although funding can come from a variety of sources, there needs to be a recognition from partners that effective parental/caregiver support initiatives are multi-year long-term programs that require consistent funding. One expert practitioner noted that home visiting interventions which receive funding from multiple sources are often longer lasting.
A committed and capable delivery organization: Effective parental/caregiver support programs require capable delivery partners that are embedded in communities. These organizations can take a variety of forms - from county health partners to local nonprofits - but need to demonstrate a commitment to program delivery and evaluation. Delivery organizations are also strengthened by a pipeline of practitioners and dedicated staff for communications and, depending on the structure of the organization, fundraising.
Clear goals of what the program is trying to achieve: Given the variety of stakeholders that can be involved in parental/caregiver support programs, it is important to have a shared understanding of what the initiative is trying to achieve - for instance whether the primary goal is parental mental health or kindergarten readiness. Leadership teams and practitioners should have a shared set of expectations around outputs (e.g. caseload growth) and outcomes achieved over time.
Evidence-based examples
Outcome Area |
This ranking reflects how these approaches are scored in one of the major government- or philanthropy-led clearinghouse resources. For more: https://catalog.results4americ... |
Nine-month intensive bilingual program for child development
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Provide education and information about breastfeeding to women throughout prenatal and postnatal care
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Group maternity care that provides health assessments, education, and support to pregnant women
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Comprehensive programming focused on delivering medical and social services to new and expecting teen parents
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Culturally adapted program for Latinx parents focused on reciprocity of positive interaction between parents and children
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Education and skills-based program for first-time expectant parents
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Fathers Advancing Community Together (FACT) is a multi-component support program that serves low- to moderate-income custodial or noncustodial parents.
Stable and healthy families |
Home-based program providing parents with a curriculum to build their children's cognitive and early literacy skills and social, emotional, and physical development
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Provides home visits by registered nurses to low-income first-time mothers
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Early childhood, family-centered intervention that takes place in schools and Head Start programs
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Combination of high-quality early childhood education, parent education and training programs, home visiting, and other support services
Kindergarten readiness Stable and healthy families |
Partnership with medical providers to incorporate early literacy promotion programming into regular checkups
Kindergarten readiness |
Skills-based parent training program for caregivers of young children
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Comprehensive, statewide early childhood initiative providing communities with funding for educational childcare, health care, and family support services
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |
Strong Start helped new mothers access one of three enhanced prenatal care models: maternity care homes, group prenatal care, and birth centers following the midwifery model of care.
Stable and healthy families |
Offers families simple and practical strategies to help their children foster healthy relationships and manage behavior
Stable and healthy families Kindergarten readiness |

Dr. Meghan McCormick
Meghan McCormick, Research & Impact Officer, leads Overdeck Family Foundation’s investments and support for research and evidence-building. She brings over 15 years of experience as a social science researcher, with past research examining how school- and home-based programs and policies influence children’s development and ameliorate the negative effects of poverty on child and family well-being. Meghan was previously a Senior Research Associate at MDRC, a social and education policy research organization. Meghan holds a Ph.D. in applied psychology and quantitative methods from New York University and a B.A. in public and international affairs (cum laude) from Princeton University.

Ana Lorena Carrasco
Prior to her current role as the Executive Director, Ana Lorena Carrasco served as the Senior Director of Curriculum and Implementation for the AVANCE National Office, where she played a vital role in the development, review cycle, and quality improvement of AVANCE curricula, programs, and services. Before joining the AVANCE National office, Ana Lorena served the communities of North Texas for more than ten years through various roles at AVANCE-North Texas. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering from Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo in Saltillo Coahuila, Mexico, and a master's in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana in Puerto Rico. She recently completed Executive Leadership and Performance Leadership programs at Cornell University.

Allison Pape
Allison Pape is the Chief Program Officer for AVANCE. As CPO, she is pivotal in carrying out the organization’s mission, overseeing the delivery, evaluation, and continuous improvement of AVANCE programming and services. Allison brings to AVANCE her passion for education and her wealth of experience in classroom instruction, administration and leadership, and large-scale educational initiatives.

Matthew Richardson
Matthew Richardson is a Government Affairs Manager for the National Service Office for Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First. In this role, Matthew has worked with stakeholders and policymakers across all levels of government in the states of AK, AL, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MN, MT, ND, NV, OR, WA, and WY to increase support for evidence-based home visiting. Matthew has a Master of Public Affairs degree from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Previously, Matthew worked for five years in the U.S. Senate covering health policy.